Student Volunteering

The School Board of Broward County, Florida has incorporated Service Learning and volunteer service into the high school graduation requirements. Service Learning is defined as a n educational method by which participants learn and develop through active participation in service that is conducted in and meets the needs of a community.

Any student who wishes to earn: a standard diploma must meet the graduation requirement of forty (40) documented hours in the Student Volunteer Service Program. Students may also work toward the 75/100 hours to meet State of Florida Bright Futures Requirements (Tier II), and/or 250 hours to earn the Silver Cord distinction at graduation (Tier III).


For the PAID WORK HOURS form and info please Click Below:

House Bill 461 was signed to expand eligibility requirements for the Bright Futures Scholarship Program to include paid work experience as a substitute for service hours but ONLY in order to meet the Bright Futures Scholarship community service requirement.

Here are some things to consider when applying HB461 to your graduation/college plans: