Marriage license application stark county ohio

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Please read over the following information carefully before applying for a marriage license.

In order to process your marriage application, you must arrive no later than 4:15pm. You need to bring in the completed marriage application. The link is at the bottom of this page.

For any further questions, please contact the marriage department at (330)451-7758.


Marriage is a solemn and exalted state, sanctified by the church, respected by society, and licensed by the State. Marriage is basically a contract between two parties; however, there is a third party to all contracts of marriage--the State. For it is the State that by law provides conditions to and limitations of the marriage contract.

The Probate Court is the sole agency, under the laws of the State of Ohio, that is vested with the authority to issue marriage licenses.

The fee for obtaining a marriage license is $42.00, payable in cash at the time of the application. Of this fee, $17.00 is forwarded to Columbus to a fund established by the State of Ohio to provide financial assistance to shelters for victims of domestic-violence.

Unmarried adults who are eighteen (18) years of age who are no nearer of kin than second cousins may apply for a marriage license. With the consent of the Juvenile Court, a person who is seventeen (17) years of age may be joined in marriage to a person who is not more than four (4) years older. Application must be made in person, by both parties.

Each of the applicants must supply to the court their respective address, name, age, place of birth, occupation, parent #1's name, parent #2's name (and maiden name if applicable), and the name of the person who is expected to solemnize the marriage

Applicants must appear together in person and have their driver's licenses or state issued ID.

If either party has been previously married, the marriage application shall include the names of all previous spouses and any minor children from those marriages. If the most recent prior marriage ended in divorce, dissolution, or annulment, then, at the time of your marriage application, you must submit the Court issued Certified Entry showing how that marriage was terminated. Example: Divorce Decree, Entry of Dissolution, Entry of Annulment, etc.

If the previous marriage ended due to the other spouse's death, you must provide the Certified Copy of the death certificate at the time of the marriage application.

We cannot accept electronic copies of any kind, nor can we accept a copy of a certified document.

No marriage license shall be granted when either of the applicants is under the influence of intoxicating liquor or controlled substance or is infected with syphilis in a form that is communicable or likely to become so.

If you plan to get married in Ohio, you must have an Ohio marriage license. Apply for your license in the county where either of you live .

If you live outside Ohio, but plan to get married in Ohio, you must apply for a license in the county where the ceremony will take place.

Ohio law requires that applicants under eighteen (18) obtain the approval of the Juvenile Court. Ohio Revised Code 3101.02. The Probate Court shall issue a marriage license to a minor no earlier than fourteen (14) calendar days after the consent from the Juvenile Court is filed. Ohio Revised Code 3101.04.

Blood tests are no longer required

An ordained or licensed minister of any religious society or congregation within this state licensed to perform marriages, a judge of a county court in his county, an authorized judge of a municipal court, the mayor of a municipal corporation in any county in which such municipal corporation wholly or partly lies, the superintendent of the state school for the deaf, or any religious society, in conformity with the rules and regulations of its church.

You may obtain the marriage license at the time of the filing of a completed application. There is no longer a five day waiting period in Ohio. A marriage license is valid for sixty (60) days from the date of issue.

The Probate Court has a recorded telephone message that summarizes the information contained on this web site. This message is available at anytime by dialing (330)451-7759

If you need a certified copy of your marriage license, the cost is Two ($2.00) Dollars. You may obtain a copy in person or by mail. If you request a copy by mail please send a stamped self-addressed envelope, a check or money order (no cash please) for Two ($2.00) Dollars payable to "The Stark County Probate Court" and the names of the applicants and the date of marriage. The Court's address is: Stark County Probate Court, 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 501, Canton, Ohio, 44702-1413.

You may purchase a Marriage Certificate for $1.00. This certificate is printed on heavy bond paper and is suitable for framing. There is space provided for the names, titles and signatures of the persons involved in your marriage ceremony.

All documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation.

Please complete the Marriage License Application before coming into the office.

Click on the link to fill out the Marriage License Application or to make a copy.